Week 12: There I am

Source: Clear Vision “ Watch where you going!” I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was very angry. I did hear something crash. I know he didn’t mean any harm by it. Not a lot of people had disabilities in this day and age, let alone blind like me. The government had nearly eradicated every possible element. I was apart of the older generation and my parents didn’t see the need to be a “ government guinea pig’. I had never had eyesight, but I can tell when a light is on. Now that I am in my thirties I well passed the age to receive the cure-all shot. I still had hope that I would see the sunset. I would one-day experience color. I settled into my apartment, music and audible books were my preferred choice of entertainment. It was a little hard to paint a picture of some of the things that they said because I had never seen them but I love it when they talked about textures which is how I usually view the world. I was listening to an audible book and I heard an ad ...