Reading Notes A: Life of Buddha

I read the Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold. In Maya’s dream, I see another elephant mentioned. I wonder if I could compile all the elephant story elements and make one massive elephant story that has a centralized theme. Or I could take the story from the elephants perspective and the importance of bringing the dream to Maya. It would be similar tot he Alice in Wonderland bunny that always had the clock and was running in order to get to the party on time. I could also do a story from the dream interpreters perspective. I think instead of the story being predictable I think I will have the dream interpreters attempt to scam them but then have a small child give the real interpretation. I also could do a version where he is trying to become a monk and how the challenge was for him but not Buddha specifically. It also talks of the many miracles that happened when the baby was born. I was thinking of maybe using a similar biblical story but from the blind man’s point of view. I think it would be interesting having a poor blind man on a journey to see the Queen in order to get his vision. I think my best bet is to do a story around Buhdda but not say that it is Buddha. That way I don’t accidentally offend someone seeing as I do not practice this religion.

Source:Buddha After Enlightenment

Bibliography: Life of Buddha


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