Week 15 Story:

I wish he would just tell me he wanted me to leave. That would be to easy for him. Instead, all I have been hearing for the past few days when I had come to visit was Cry Me a River by Justin Timberlake. I mean I was a little suspicious after being awol for a minute and the first thing he played for me was We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift. He knew I wasn't the biggest fan of her music but I thought he just wanted to annoy me after not seeing me for a year when I had to forcibly take a sabbatical. So after a week of play songs back at each other I finally decided to have a conversation with him. He said he missed being single and didn't know how to tell me and song was the best way he could think of. He told me he didn't know if he could trust me after spending a year away with my research team that was mostly men.  I was deeply hurt this wasn't the first time that he was suspicious of me. After the trial by fire, I thought there was nothing that could keep us apart. He was a pretty high ranking officer in the kingdom and he told me that is subjects were starting to not trust him anymore because he kept me around. I was furious. I had already proven myself how could the people have forgotten so easily. We didn't speak for days but then I found out that I was pregnant. Things seem to be adjusting to normal but then the people started to talk again. Soon I was abandon and all alone with just my two boys. All the right I had done in life meant nothing. I asked mother earth to return us home to her. 

Source: Wiki
Author's Note:
Sita was my favorite character of all the stories. I really enjoyed her stories and I had read Sita sings the Blues so I incorporated some songs into the story. I wanted to make her my final story because I feel like there was so much wrong done to her but she was very understanding with everyone else's decisions for her until she realized that nothing she ever did would come out right so she wanted to go back home. I didn't let Rama kept the twins because he didn't deserve them in my eyes. 


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