Story 6: The Second's Diary

Dear Diary, I am a Queen or I used to be. If you could even call me that, I am or was at this point in my life the first wife married to King Pandu more like King Pale one. I am not the favorite wife but the second Madri. King Pandu is always Madri this and Madri that. I hope my boys never treat their wives like Pandu treats me. Little does the lovely King Pandu know that he has never had an heir. I can’t believe those two left me with all the children! Like it is not my fault he shot the sages in deer form and then got himself exiled. All those years in solitude and he never thought when he saw Madri again why have I been casted out all of those years. But no, he just ran to Madri like an idiot but you know what they say you can’t fix stupid. And that had to be the stupidest move. Then here comes the melodramatic Madri talking about her heart and how she could not bare to live in a world without him. Like Madri do you not remember the children? Everyone else viewed it as a noble ...