Feedback Thoughts

I really like the articles. I am one of those people that if I am not immediately good at anything I get discouraged and am like this is not worth my time. Like in this class I am no ones story teller like at all so I think I get a little anxious when I look at the class work and try to hold it off as long as possible. But I think trying the REBS method that the "5-second" article mentioned will be great for me cause the moment something goes south for me I am hands off but if I can break down the assignments into small parts and give myself a reward then I know it want be as bad as I am making myself feel. But I am also not one to congratulate myself for doing this that I am supposed to do, we don't applaud fish for swimming. So why should I applaud myself as a student for doing my work is my rational. In the article of the "Seven Ways" the very first thing it says is to not compare itself to others but that's very hard to do. Especially when they are working towards the same goals and it seems like their plans are working out and it feels like you are slipping through the cracks and it makes you want to give up. The next tip was to abandon perfection. Now I do understand that nothing is perfect but I vividly remember my grandmother erasing all my homework because it wasn't neat enough. Perfectionism is ingrained in me and I doubt that will be leaving as swiftly as people suggests. The other tips I can definitely get behind.
Source:I can do it

A Simple 5-Second Habit to Rewire Your Harshly Self-Critical Brain

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work


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