Week 6 Reading PD Mahabharata A

I think a nice little spin on Sita and Rama story when he wins her at the tournament would be having Bhishma also compete but fighting against Rama and then having another king intervene and saying that he had 3 daughters that he can have instead of Sita. I could also use elements of the contest mentioned in this story for more levels ending at a final brawl for Sita kind of like an Olympic games of love.

I kind it kind of sad that Pandu had a favorite wife and it was constantly mentioned and I think it would be a great story line for Kunti to be able to have a view of what it was like to be the least favorite wife and her trying to do her duty but constantly being pushed aside until the very end.

I think making a storybook on the Pandava brothers adventures would be neat and making up wild tales as if they were bedtimes stories. I think you could also do a who am I type of story with the boy whose mother sent him away in the river and make the story sound similar to Moses and at the end reveal who it is.

I also noted how they always mention the celestial earrings I think it would be a good story line to see what would happen if they lost some of their godly jewelry or clothing and how it gives them power and having to do mighty feats to get them back sort of like a Hercules tale minus the murdering of his family.
Queen Kunti
Source: Flickr
Bibliography: Indian Epics University of Oklahoma


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