Reading Notes 10: Jakata Tales Part A
I kind of liked the crocodile and monkey story I don’t know if there is enough move around in the story for my mind to work with. I need a more vague story unless I changed the setting altogether. I am not a trickster at heart so coming up with a way to make this story my own would be a serious challenge for me. Which I guess would force me to broaden my creative ability.
I think the turtle story is also a little straightforward. I am not sure how I could flip this story. I wouldn’t even know where to place this story what elements I would add for a personal touch to the story. So far reading these stories and coming up with a story that I would be happy with and make my own will be a challenge.
The merchant story it reminds me of how in the beauty and the beast the man turned away the beggar and it turned out to be an enchantress. I think this would be a great way to retell the story of the greedy merchant and the golden bowl. Then adding an element to the story were the curse is for the merchant never being able to have real gold or a Midas touch scenario.
I think the ox story would be great! I know that maybe having a star student or athlete and having them compete in a huge competition and then having the people around them treat them completely different than what he is used to or better yet have the child that is learning how to write or doing a trivial task that parents hype up and then when they get around people they freeze up.

Bibliography: Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
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