Week 10: My First Step
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Source:Walking Child |
If I just adjust myself a bit here and here, then I can walk a little bit. The young child was off in a corner slowly pushing their self of the couch. They had young toddler had finally gotten to where they were balanced and just teetering back in forth trying to gauge how much weight to put on their feet. While the young toddler was so focused on figuring out how to walk, they didn’t notice their parents in the background silently cheering.
“Ben come here! Look! Be Quiet!”, the mother exclaimed excitedly. The mother had been waiting for forever to see her first born walk. She was so excited she could barely contain it. She rushed to grab her phone and record the toddler’s first steps. She knew that the child was right around the corner to walk. The toddler had been slowly pulling their self-up for weeks and standing alone when they got the chance.
Then there it was caught on camera the first few steps. The mother could not contain her excitement and yelp after the first few steps. Her child was finally walking. The mother’s yelp startled the child and they fell on their bum. The child not understanding the mother’s excitement smiled and crawled over to her. For the joy of the mother was theirs as well. The mother was so excited she called all the moms in her group she just couldn’t wait to tell them that her baby was already walking at 9 months all she thought it was a miracle. It was perfect timing she was supposed to host the next play date. She told all the moms to make sure they were there on time Friday. She had a little under four days to get the baby’s walking show ready.
The other moms of the group were a little suspicious this mom always claimed that her child was doing spectacular feats, but they had never really seen them, but then again, she was a new mom.
She gathered all the moms together and urged the child to walk. Usually the mother talked very quietly and calm to the young toddler, but she was very loud and shouting at the child to walk to her. The young toddler could not understand why his mother was shouting at them and began to cry. The other mothers were not surprised that the child did not walk at all. The other moms enjoyed the rest of the gathering and told the mom that maybe she should try to calm down and let the child walk when they were ready, The mother pondered on this and realized she had never shouted at or even around her child and that she may have possibly scared them especially with the add company at the house. She talked to the other moms and told them they were right. “I know I was a little new mom crazy, but my child can walk and I have an idea.” The mother asked the moms to stand near the kitchen with their children. She grabbed her child and told them sorry for yelling that she was just really happy that they were walking. She set them down and just like before motioned for the child to walk to them and just like that the child was moving.
Authors Note: I got this from the Ox story and the farmer who was gentle that turned rude and I thought that it was very similar to parents and children when they have talents. So I thought I would give it my own little spin.
Bibliography: Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
Hi Dacia! I really enjoyed getting to read your story this week. I thought this story was really cute and fun to read. I liked how you retold the story of the ox and gave it a modern day touch to it, and with a real life scenario. The kid being confused as to why his mother was yelling was a cute touch to the story and made me feel bad for him!
ReplyDeleteHi Dacia, I had to go and reread the source material story to get the full effect of your story; you do an excellent job of adapting the theme and general idea of the story! Your modernization creates an incredibly cute story that I feel a lot of people can relate to! One thing I saw was in the second sentence, you need to remove the had! Otherwise, I loved it!
ReplyDeleteHey Dacia! This was a cute retelling of this tale. I can definitely see the connection between that at parenting--patience/controlling emotions all the time as a parent seems hard! I like how in the end you have the mother talk to the others and realize her error, so that it ended with a solid resolution. I also like how you include her emotions throughout the story, so that we can relate to her and get caught up in the emotions as well, rather than just getting mad at her for yelling at her child.